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Your Preschool Selection Checklist

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Finding the perfect preschool for your little one can seem like an uphill task. Every preschool is unique with varying philosophies, policies, costs, etc. And since many of them exist, you will always have the flexibility to select what suits your needs and your child. However, narrowing down the many options to the most suitable one can be challenging without proper guidance. For this reason, here is the ultimate checklist for finding the perfect preschool for your child.

Consider The Educational Philosophy

Most preschools are typically considered childcare centres. However, they are still the most influential learning institutions for your child. That's because your child's preschool or developmental years are critical for their future. Therefore, it's important to understand the educational philosophies being implemented at the preschool before signing up. For instance, some philosophies focus on drills and practice skills while others are discovery-based. The latter may be a better choice for your little one because it focuses on allowing the kids to make their learning choices. In addition, some children prefer quieter settings while others do best in loud ones. On the other hand, some are more independent thinkers than others. Therefore, it's essential to understand your child and select the philosophy that would work best for them.

Check The Class Size

The class size also matters when selecting a preschool for your child. Generally, small class sizes with low child-to-adult ratios are preferable. That way, you can be assured of your child getting the much-needed attention they require for their learning and development.

Ask About The Discipline Policy

Your child's behaviour will largely depend on the learning they receive during their developmental years. Typically, social skills and self-regulation skills are among the most crucial skills that preschool children develop. And as they learn about the social norms and how to express discontentment and frustration, it's imperative that the preschool enforces positive discipline instead of punishment. Positive discipline involves explaining their mistakes clearly and patiently and teaching them the repercussions and how to handle situations better.

Consider The Distance

It also helps to think about how far the school is from your home or work. Does it take too long to get to school? Your child may lose the excitement of getting to school if it's too far away. In addition, if you have to drive for too long to get home after picking them up, they may be exhausted by the time you get home. 

If the school is closer to your neighbourhood, it can help your child build friendships with other kids from the neighbourhood, especially if they attend the same preschool.   
