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How Can I Maximise the Government Rebate for My Childcare?

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Childcare can be a big expense for parents who are going back to work or study after having a baby, so it makes sense to maximise the generous government childcare rebates that are available. Here are some tips to make sure you are getting the maximum amount. 

Register with Centrelink

Interactions with Centrelink don't tend to be anyone's top priority, but they are the only way to get the federal government rebate for childcare. Most of the forms can be done online, so you can often avoid heading into an office. Be sure to specify the amount of time that you are working (or looking for work) or studying, as this affects your eligibility for government rebates. You will also need to prove that you have either immunised your child or have a valid medical exemption in order to be able to claim the rebate as well. 

Make sure your childcare centre is submitting their records correctly

If your childcare centre does not submit their records, including their accreditation records that prove that they meet minimum standards as a childcare cetre and their attendance record, then you may not receive your rebate. If you notice any issues with receiving your rebates, then it is important to quickly contact both the centre and Centrelink to determine why there has been a problem. The record submission is primarily online, so if there has been an outage of internet service or power, this can lead to problems for everyone who attends the centre. Letting them know quickly can help them identify any connection issues and get your payments back on track as soon as possible. 

Let them know of any changes

While letting Centrelink know of any changes to your schedule or family structure won´t necessarily increase your childcare rebate, it can help you to avoid acruing a debt if your circumstances change and you aren´t due for any more rebates. If your child is often absent from childcare for a non-optional reason, such as regular appointments or illnesses relating to a. medical issues, it is also important to let Centrelink know, as Centrelink can cease payments when there is an excessive amount of absences. 

If you have any questions about how the government childcare rebates work, it can be worth speaking to the administrators at your childcare centre. They are experienced in dealing with Centrelink and can often give you hints to make sure you are gaining the maximum government childcare rebate.
