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4-Point Guide On Best Practices When Communicating With Your Kindergartner's Teacher

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Communication is critical in every sphere of life. Positive communication between parents and teachers in kindergarten centers has its benefits. As a parent, this kind of conversation will help you know where your child is, academically and socially. Additionally, if you have any specific concerns or wish to raise an issue, then you can do so when you get the chance.

How then can you best communicate with your kindergartner's teacher or care provider? Here are a few pointers to always keep in mind

1.    Respond To The Teachers' Notes

Kindergarten teachers will leave notes in your child's journal. It may be just a small remark on your child's progress or something more significant like the teacher inquiring about something specific. Don't be the kind of parent that neglects to look over their child's diary, because it can also be a great way to communicate with the teachers. The same goes for any letters and notices your child may bring home from the kindergarten.

2.    Reach Out And Schedule An Appointment

Managing the kids at kindergarten is no easy feat. As such, don't just show up expecting the teacher to leave everything else just to see you. It is only courteous that you should call in or send a message to plan for a meeting. You can also take a moment at the parent-teacher conferences to ask about when would be a right time to pay the teacher a visit for a one-on-one meeting.

3.    Do Not Overdo It

Your wanting to know how your child is doing at kindergarten is very understandable, and especially in those first few days and weeks. However, you should also understand that the teachers have a responsibility on their hands. Having to respond to numerous phone calls from you and other equally concerned parents every day can be very overwhelming and is always an unwelcome distraction.

Trust in the care that your child is receiving at the kindergarten. Calling in every couple of hours is always a bit extra.

4.    Keep An Open Mind

In all your interactions, it is important to remember that both you and the kindergarten teacher are on the same team. If there is an issue that you need to raise, do so without being confrontational. Be open to hear what the teacher has to say about it. You will do yourself and your child so much good if you keep an open mind.
