Charlie's Child Care Blog

Tips to Help Your Child Adjust to a New Routine at Preschool

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Starting preschool is a big transition for both parents and children. As exciting as it may be for your little one to start a new adventure, it can also be a challenging experience for them. Leaving their familiar surroundings, meeting new people and adjusting to a new routine can be intimidating. However, with the right approach, parents can help their child make a smooth transition into a preschool routine. This post shares some useful tips that can help parents prepare their child for preschool and help them adjust to the new routine.…

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Early Learning Programs: 5 Funs Things Your Child Will Do During an Arts and Crafts Session

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Early learning programs are designed to provide young kids with a range of educational activities. Arts and crafts sessions are one of the most popular activities in these programs. They encourage children to be creative and help develop their hand-eye coordination, problem-solving abilities, and fine motor skills. This blog will explore five fun things your child will do during an arts and crafts session in an early learning program. Painting…

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Your Preschool Selection Checklist

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Finding the perfect preschool for your little one can seem like an uphill task. Every preschool is unique with varying philosophies, policies, costs, etc. And since many of them exist, you will always have the flexibility to select what suits your needs and your child. However, narrowing down the many options to the most suitable one can be challenging without proper guidance. For this reason, here is the ultimate checklist for finding the perfect preschool for your child.…

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