Charlie's Child Care Blog

4-Point Guide On Best Practices When Communicating With Your Kindergartner's Teacher

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Communication is critical in every sphere of life. Positive communication between parents and teachers in kindergarten centers has its benefits. As a parent, this kind of conversation will help you know where your child is, academically and socially. Additionally, if you have any specific concerns or wish to raise an issue, then you can do so when you get the chance. How then can you best communicate with your kindergartner’s teacher or care provider?…

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How Artistic Expression Is Particularly Important for Your Child in Daycare

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Are you worried about how polarised primary and secondary school education is becoming in Australia? It seems as if everything has to work from a template, and while this may be a great idea from a budgetary and control perspective, it doesn’t necessarily allow the child in question to flourish from an artistic or creative point of view. If you’ve been noticing this trend recently, you may be wondering about its impact and thinking about daycare centres.…

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Two Things to Take Into Consideration When Hiring a New Child Carer

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If you need to hire a child carer, here are two things you should take into consideration during the hiring process. Whether or not your child is likely to get along with them Your child will be spending a substantial amount of time around the person that you choose to hire. As such, it is absolutely critical to ensure that your child feels happy and at ease around them. Even if a candidate has excellent references and a long list of impressive qualifications, they may not be the right person for the job if they have a very different personality to that of your child.…

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